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Orange 88

Heavy Duty Citrus Cleaner / Degreaser

ORANGE 88 is an RTU general purpose cleaner/degreaser that contains natural water-soluble citrus solvents that quickly and effectively penetrate and emulsify a wide range of soils, while imparting a fresh citrus scent. From degreasing engines, removing tar, asphalt, and other petroleum-based soils, this versatile degreaser can also be used to as a drain cleaner, remove ink and crayon, as well as food greases.

Orange 88

SKU: 37320-30-ORA88

    AMS Supply

    P.O. Box 41291 • Dayton, OH 45441

    2850 E. River Rd., Suite 5 • Dayton, OH 45439

    Ph. 937-867-2912 • Fax. 866-766-7476

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